Category: Me

  • My New Look

    My New Look

    Look Change I went for a walk once, so my family bought me very nice track clothes. I love them.IMO, I look like a Disney villain that tries to talk the protagonist kids who skate for fun that sponsored skating for money is where it is at… And I think it’s a good look for…

  • How I Cope With Stress

    How I Cope With Stress

    Stress, I Have It Stress can be a good thing. For me, it is. I feel like I have a lot going on but truly I do not. Anyway, I am coping by trying to stay productive, not true productivity, but pseudo productivity, like writing a post for content on my site. My site that…

  • Art Jigsaw Test Clickbait Not Included

    Art Jigsaw Test Clickbait Not Included

    Ran into Publishing failed. The response is not a valid JSON response. When trying to publish a post. Updated permalinks in WordPress. Now it works.  I do not feel like making a post anymore. I Used My Twitch Account <p>I am currently all about producing content. The quality of the product is less important to…

  • Prairie Fires

    Prairie Fires

    Prairie Fires Abridged Unofficially By Jamison The Prairie Fires story forms some of the most beautiful scenes to be witnessed in a tone that sounds menacing. Oh shit!  It’s just about Laura, and it’s going too fast to type, Laura’s mom just died, a few years later, she wrote a brief note, every woman in…

  • Advice For Politicians

    Advice For Politicians

    Advice For Politicians <h3>First Some Information Regarding Twisted Tea​</h3> Advice for politicans, but first, WordPress told me that someone got to this site looking for twisted tea memes.  Well on the off chance that there is someone wondering what the fuck is happening with <a href=””>Twisted Tea</a>, why is it going viral like this.  The…

  • Same Thing We Do Every Night Pinkie

    Same Thing We Do Every Night Pinkie

    Try to take over the world. I could not sleep tonight. Insomnia led me to create a quick half-assed plan on – how I would take over the world. The whole thing is not complete villainy yet, at least not James Bond Villain levels. It might have reached a bit of Zuckerberg levels of evil,…

  • Everything You Need To Know About Whales

    Everything You Need To Know About Whales

    Whales, Not To Be Trusted Did you know that whales were happy after 911 or their stress levels went down because there were fewer airplane and ship noises? Also, they are royal fish in UK law, so the monarchs own them all and sturgeon. It’s weird cause whales hate us, but they don’t seem to…

  • Turn Down For…What?

    Turn Down For…What?

    Turn Down For What (it’s a slight pun) <p>I am shamelessly stealing my Facebook post to act like I wrote a new post here. I am hoping that in the time it takes me to press control+v, I will have an idea of how to fill up more content.</p> <img width=”640″ height=”352″ src=”×422.jpg” alt=”Facebook” loading=”lazy”…

  • A Post A Day…Something Something.

    A Post A Day…Something Something.

    Podcasts are my solution to insomnia so, in ways, this is a continuation post.  Instead of just trying to do sleep unsuccessfully, I decided to make another post while listening to podcasts.  It makes me feel productive and maybe it will lead somewhere.  I don’t know where but…that’s life. Podcasts! I am going to list…

  • Insomnia


    I can not sleep (hence insomnia references), but I am too tired to do anything.  Luckily this is my safe space so I can defrag my thoughts a bit and either no one will read it, or people will be at my site. It’s a win-win.  I use a lot of pictures, you can blame…