Jamison’s Blog Homepage?

Well, this is it! The website that Jamison created about 10 times over the course of 5 years. You would think that it would be better with all that preparation and work, unfortunately, not. The time spent was mostly me learning new things and starting from scratch. Oh Well, upwards and onwards!

Well, first things first, let’s do a category loop here, to show off these fine-ass posts!

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    Most Recent!

    This doesn’t mean these posts are good, they just happen to be the most recent shit I ejected from my head through the medium of the keyboard! Enjoy though, please.

    About Jamison

    I’m just a dude, that likes doing things on his computer. Mostly this means playing video games, but I found a way to actually get paid to help some people. I Google things quickly and then appear smart and fix their problems. It’s quite the racket.

    This is my website. I break it and rebuild it so I can break it more. I’m glad you stumbled upon my testing grounds. Stay…mingle in the chatroom, try the virtual cafe (Be sure to try the Jamisccino Cappuccino, an exclusive!), or stay and play one of the many interactive games.

    Games –

    There aren’t any, that was a lie.


    Earn these by playing the games, show them off to your friends. Get them printed out as bumper stickers, go nuts.

    Frequently Asked Question

    Jamison, do you know how to do multiple columns? Cause you never do.


    If you had to guess how much you know, what would your guess be?

    .00000000002% of all human knowledge, this is just an approximation

    Favorite Anime

    Right now..and only right now, cause of all time is a difficult question. Kuroko No Basket.

    Jamison, why how are you so brave? Is it genetics?

    That’s a great question! It shows that you too are a man of culture. I have never done genealogy research into my family tree but I believe strongly they come from bad stock. Just lucky I guess.


    Not if I can avoid it.

    Can you sing

    No, nor can I whistle. It’s weird.

    You know, my site might not be ugly….it might be using the most up-to-date, just released technology and your browser just can’t handle it yet. Maybe yell at the Mozilla Foundation (the browser you should be using).

    But WAIT

    Before you realize your mistake and leave, I want to leave you with something. Remember the time we had always, and cherish it.

    You know it’s true.