Men in suits gawking at some paper, photo by sebastian-herrmann

Advice For Politicians

Advice For Politicians

        <h3>First Some Information Regarding Twisted Tea​</h3>      
    Advice for politicans, but first, WordPress told me that someone got to this site looking for twisted tea memes.  Well on the off chance that there is someone wondering what the fuck is happening with <a href="">Twisted Tea</a>, why is it going viral like this.  The answer is in a Youtube video I am sure, let me track it down.  Warning, the video has some pretty fucking strong language.  I also wrote a small blurb about the<a href=""> 2020 election</a> when it happened.  I only say that because Yoast wants more words and more internal links</p>        
        <h3>Here are some internal links because SEO demands it of me</h3>      
                <a href="">                        
                <a href="">                        
                                    I am not sure, old, so probably dumb
                <a href="">                       
                                    Better Links!
                    </ul><p>There, you are now a civically informed citizen.  Please continue reading, and let me know if you find any grammar mistakes. Also, how about that lady that is just like "You got yours buddy.", that was precious.</p>       
        <h2>Advice For Politicians Part I</h2>      
    <p>I have some advice for <a href="">politicians</a>.  This is the Dunning-Kruger effect right now.  My advice is, if you are going to be corrupt, be low-key about it.  The problem these <a href="">modern-day</a> politicians are going to be facing is how good the <a href="">memes</a> are, and those are what we are going to remember the times by.   The <a href="">music</a>, the <a href="">movies</a>, and the <a href="">memes</a>, as we adapt to a failing <a href="">economy</a>.</p>      
        <h2>Advice For Politicians Part II</h2>     
    <p>My new advice for politicians.  Get a friend to record you (a politician, not me,  I'm just an <a href="">artist that does not create</a> things).  Talk to a movie effect person, find out how you can make a can just explode, without being slammed with a lot of force. Find <a href="">Mitch McConnell</a> and just smack his face with a can of Twisted Sweat Tea.  Let's assume you do not kill him because of alterations to the can I have advised you to make (this is the goal).  You will gain <a href="">probably 80% popularity</a>. Then steal your opponents popular campaign ideas, go to a a few swing states and fucking win.  If you are Mitch McConnell, obviously that plan will not work, so just make a TikTok of you hitting yourself with a Twisted Tea can. Fucking embarrassing.</p>      
        <h3>Advice For Politicians Memes Addition</h3>      
            <figure><img src="" alt="Meme of twisted Tea" /></figure><figure><img src="" alt="Meme of twisted Tea" /></figure><figure><img src="" alt="Meme of twisted Tea KOTH" /></figure><figure><img src="" alt="Meme of twisted Tea" /></figure><figure><img src="" alt="Meme Twistedtea" /></figure><figure><img src="" alt="Meme of twisted Tea" /></figure><figure><img src="" alt="Meme Twistedtea" /></figure><figure><img src="" alt="Meme Twistedtea" /></figure><figure><img src="" alt="Meme Twistedtea" /></figure>         
        <h2>Final Word Of Advice For Politicians Unrelated content, Content For Jamison</h2>        
                                    <img width="508" height="960" src="" alt="Mitchy" loading="lazy" srcset=";ssl=1 508w,;ssl=1 159w,;ssl=1 500w" sizes="(max-width: 508px) 100vw, 508px" />                                            
                                    <img width="640" height="478" src="" alt="Mitch McConnell and Spongebob with Twisted Tea" loading="lazy" srcset=";ssl=1 714w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 500w" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" />                                            
                                    <img width="640" height="759" src="" alt="Twisted Tea situation with Mitch McConnell" loading="lazy" srcset=";ssl=1 864w,;ssl=1 253w,;ssl=1 768w,;ssl=1 500w,;ssl=1 800w,;ssl=1 1079w" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" />                                          
    <p>Seriously, do not ever take my advice.  Apparently, my idea has already been done, not 12 hours after I wrote this.  No idea who did it, it just managed to reach my Facebook.</p>       
        <h2><a href="">Links!  To Random Sites That I have Tried To Make Relevant To My Topic Or It just Goes To A Internal Page.</a></h2>      
    <p>This type of behavior is called chaotic good in <a href="">DND</a>, no need to direct me to a psychiatrist.</p>        
                <a href="">                      
                                    Most-Evil-Supervillain Plots
                <a href="">                        
                                    Make Your Own Evil Plan
                <a href="">                      
                                    Obviously Not The Internal Link To Somewhat irrelevant
                <a href="">                      
                                    Five Questions to Ask About Your Villain’s Master Plan
                <a href="">                       
                                    Why we love to hate a villain
    <p>Let's see how well this page of invaluable device is doing?</p>      


Advice For Politicans Unrelated content

    <p>If you reload the page you might notice that number doesn't change, that is a static number.  The whole thing is a lie, but if it tricked you, haha.  <a href="">Oh That's funny.</a>

Thanks to the one guy that has been to this site, that might be me, but it normally doesn’t report my views since I am logged on, but I am not ruling out me forgetting to log out.

Random Quote From A Random Book I Am Listening To, Try And Guess

“Because,” said Thor, “when something goes wrong, the first thing I always think is, it is Loki’s fault. It saves a lot of time.”
― Neil Gaiman, Norse Mythology

This Is Becoming My Most Popular Post By A lot

    <p>I have not the damnedest idea why.  It must be memes I think.  So, let me scour the internet a bit for any other relevant memes as a thank you to those 4 people who stumbled here.</p>      
                                    <img width="640" height="427" src="" alt="Twisted Tea and DND" loading="lazy" srcset=";ssl=1 1000w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 768w,;ssl=1 500w,;ssl=1 800w" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" />                                           <figcaption>Oh look, it is a DND one so it is relevant to my interests.</figcaption>
        <h2>More Content Was Needed</h2>        
    <p>I do not make the rules, I just try my best to follow them.  The rest of the page was too short, so I am going to write a bit more.  I will try to make this part factual, so with a quick google search, I found the most popular political positions.

I was typing it all out, and it was beautiful.  Even if you were able to read it, you would still would not believe the efflorescence of the phraseology.  My best work yet, but unfortunately, the basic idea was plagiarized from an article I read, so here.  It is popular American positions.  It goes with my whole advice for politicians.  I am hoping I finally reached enough words to please Yoast, so this should be it.  Have a great day everyone.


3 responses to “Advice For Politicians”

  1. You did it again Jamison, Idk know how, it’s like you have no life but still come up with the most culturally relevant things. It most be a gift and the the incredible depths of self delusion. Well take care,


    1. And Comments seem to work perfectly so that isn’t the problem! =D great news.

  2. Anonymous

    Wow! This Jamison person must have a slew of writers, the typos are minimum, this doesn’t seem like the work of one single person! Impressive. This for sure isn’t another comment by Jamison. Wow anonymous comments, the balls on him.