Ominous Tower

Turn Down For…What?

Turn Down For What (it’s a slight pun)

    <p>I am shamelessly stealing my Facebook post to act like I wrote a new post here. I am hoping that in the time it takes me to press control+v, I will have an idea of how to fill up more content.</p>     
                                    <img width="640" height="352" src="" alt="Facebook" loading="lazy" srcset=";ssl=1 768w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 1024w,;ssl=1 1536w,;ssl=1 2048w,;ssl=1 500w,;ssl=1 800w,;ssl=1 1280w,;ssl=1 1920w" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" />                                            
        <h2>What You Can Expect From My Facebook</h2>       
    so Stephen King wrote the story about the car that killed people off his rocker on cocaine,<br />so what if I wrote a novel on downers about a devil-possessed vehicle that accidentally does good deeds until it is just a friendly ass car li- is this the story of Herbie?<br />….<br />fuck! That is a terrible movie. I thought I had something.<br />I could write a novel where I accidentally ripoff other ideas poorly<br />I could probably rewrite Little House on The Prairie better, more bears, less Pa, and his goddamn fiddle.<br />Well, I think I gave us all a lot to think about; the meeting adjourned.        
        <h2>Enjoy a conversation I had with my sister</h2>      
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