Category: Me

  • What Not To Do With A Discord Bot

    What Not To Do With A Discord Bot

    Okay, so my bot can take in Spotify playlists. I happen to have a Spotify playlist since before you were born. Bad idea..I think Spotify thinks my bot is a bot now and Youtube knows it, SoundCloud doesn’t care though, but I am getting a lot of error responses now, and I have to assume…

  • Happy Birthday To Me!

    Happy Birthday To Me!

    It is my Birthday! I got a sweet present from my sister, check it.

  • Whistling, –

    Whistling, –

    I really hope I am never lost in a storm, and my only hope is to attract someone’s attention. I try to yell for help; only the storm is raging and they can’t hear me, and I remember that voices don’t travel far, but whistling does, but I don’t know how to whistle, so instead…

  • Do Not Be Mean

    Do Not Be Mean

    Before you say my blog sucks, remember that bot loved it, and that is who I do it for. You’re welcome.

  • Future Writing

    Future Writing

    I think I may in fact right a synopsis of every episode of King of The Hill, it is one of the few shows I can watch multiple times, and I think it will help give me something to practice writing .

  • Rock IV

    Rock IV

    Binge watching to Rocky Movies for the first time. I did not know Ivan Drago was going to kill Apollo…ffffuckkkkk. Thanks to everyone that never spoiled that for me. Now Rocky is my champion… “Maybe I cant win, maybe the only thing I can do is just take everything he’s got, but to beat me,…

  • Weird Looking Site Update

    Weird Looking Site Update

    Weird Site You Got There Jamison This post is obsolete and should be deleted, but…it has memories. It use to be about how I tried to style my website with a strange ass color scheme that was based off a popular code editor scheme. I’ve changed the color scheme so many times on this beaut,…

  • Pokemon Rambling Update

    Pokemon Rambling Update

    Pokemon – A scientific article peer-reviewed I am trying to take my afternoon Vday nap as tradition, and man, if I can’t stop thinking about Pokemon. So like, <a href=””>Team Rocket</a> is evil because they <a href=””>exploit</a> Pokemon for selfish gain, but so does the rest of the Pokemon world. Ash (who is incorrectly assumed…