Author: Jamison Border

  • Theme Disasters

    You should have a backup. WordPress recommends having a default theme as well. If you have a default theme like twenty-twenty it will automatically activate if your current custom theme just disappeared. Let’s do some testing. Theme Test One I currently have 2 custom themes. What do you think will happen if I hide/delete/make vanish…

  • Revisions

    Real fast basic talk about revisions now that I’m super popular and reaching upwards of three people. A revision is just a saved copy of a post or page that is saved in the database. It is often popular to limit the number of revisions you are allowed cause you can go crazy. Some of…

  • Mistake two – Learn From Doing

    I’ve watched so many videos on CSS. I have also read a bunch of the most highly recommended books on CSS. The problem with the books is the CSS is old and there is a lot of cutting-edge features on CSS, especially for the Chrome browser. Google is doing crazy shit, maybe this isn’t new…

  • Google Analytics VS Gtag 3rd Edition

    They aren’t the same thing analytics is only analytics. It will give you code that you can add to your header to track visitors. A Google tag is a container. The container can be added to your site in almost an identical way to the analytics code. It can do more but initially does less.…

  • Why You Don’t Add Youtube Videos

    Youtube videos are great! If you can help it, of course, you shouldn’t add them to your website. Sometimes it’s necessary, like when you miss the old days of Myspace. I am creating this page just so I can do a Google Page Speed Index and show the results before and after a Youtube video…

  • Final Fantasy III Repixeled

    There’s a weird dude on a rock. Something was said about crystals and maybe earthquakes. 4 orphans live in the town of Ur and are exploring. They then fall from the sky with a thud! Time to save the day (and lower the games default volume which could not be done in the main menu!)…

  • Preload Mobile Only Update

    What if I could preload mobile fonts only?! Okay, this is just an experiment, but it seemed to work? When you add something to WP Rocket’s preload, it will always preload it, regardless of the device. This makes sense, but there are some things — like maybe a toggle button I am using from a…

  • Mobile-friendly

    I will write more on this subject later. This is more a diary entry (Oh shit, did you notice I double-spaced?!) Change up fun fact about that, I don’t think browsers really care. I’m sure it’s wasteful somewhere but crawlers aren’t reading the spaces, so I doubt it has any SEO repercussions. I’m not an…

  • Mobile Menu Fixed Update test 2

    I fixed the mobile menu issue. Kinda. Here is what I did. I created a new menu, one for desktop and one for mobile. I then made the desktop one able to have child menu items. That’s too easy, flex column and they look fab. The issue with that on mobile was those child sub-menu…

  • Soon

    My google analytics is going to look better than Activision Blizzard’s stock. (I’ll update this soon with will world data) Activision Blizzard’s Stock – Yoast Has Problems With My Activision Blizzard Stock Joke It literally hates the keyword, the post, and the page. It does say it’s very readable though so that’s good. Why does…